The Healing Power of Water

how to use the ocean to heal, techniques, and rituals

ocean, healing, bahamas

I’ve never felt more at home than when I'm in the water. Floating in the sea, or even a bath, gives me an immediate sense of peace. I can feel myself at one with the bigger picture. I feel completely present, in my body and in this world. I’ve always known I needed to be close to the ocean, that my health depended on it. When I started to dive into learning more about water, the oceans, and how they heal, I was amazed. Almost 40% of the world’s population lives within 60 miles of the coast and 23 of the world’s 30 largest cities are located on the coast (1). These stats got me thinking I’m not the only one who’s attracted to water.

Our love of Blue Space shows itself all around us. Look at how more expensive real estate is when it’s on the water or why rooms with a beach view cost more. Research teams are looking at why nature is restorative and a field called environmental psychology studies how our surroundings influence our well-being (1). 

In the mid-1700s, Dr. Richard Russell's research showed that the minerals in seawater (magnesium and trace elements) could treat a variety of conditions. His research made Thalassotherapy, the use of seawater and products from the sea as a form of therapy, more mainstream. He opened a practice in Brighton, England and sea bathing became very popular (1). There is also research suggesting that taking in sea air is beneficial to people with respiratory issues.

florida beach


Research shows that exercising outside not only has physical benefits but mental ones as well, including boosting confidence, improving mood, and reducing anger and depression. Studies show that people who worked out outdoors worked out longer but felt they put in less effort. 

Exposure to Vitamin D while at the beach is a major benefit, including bone health, teeth, and muscles as well as improving the immune system, digestive health, and mental well-being. Negative ions, generated in nature when air molecules are broken apart by sunlight or the movement of air and water (1), are found at beaches and waterfalls. There’s a lot of talk that they can improve mood, relieve stress, and aid sleep. 

Being at the beach is also an extra special sensory experience. The sound of the waves, the smell of the seaweed, the touch of the sand between your toes, the taste of the salt in the water and in the air, the weightlessness that floating in the water brings…it’s immersive. There is nothing quite like it in the world.

baby's first ocean swim

At the beach

Here is a list of my favorite things to do at the beach and ideas for you to try next time you visit.

Practice mindfulness. 

Just being. Sitting on the sand, feeling the waves crash at your feet, listening to the water, watching the sunlight bounce around. Focusing on the sensations that your senses are experiencing and bringing yourself back to the present moment can be a powerful mindful practice. My favorite place in the world to meditate is at the beach.


Walking the beach barefoot can bring on a feeling of groundedness that a walk around the park just can't compare to… Feeling the sand between your toes, and the waves crash on your skin. 

Get Creative. 

I find the ocean to be incredibly inspiring. Try bringing a journal or stretch pad and let yourself flow onto the paper. You might be surprised by what comes up.


Observe the different animals at the beach, birds, crabs, baitfish, etc. Just observing animals in their natural habitat makes me realize how big the world is and our relationship to every living thing here.


If you can get on the water, I highly encourage it. Floating, truly letting go, is so restorative for me. It’s a sensation we rarely get the chance to feel. Floating therapy has shown to lower stress hormones, improve sleep, aid in creativity, and reduce blood pressure (1). 

Bahamas beach

Bringing the Beach Home

Ideas to try when you can’t get to a beach or body of water.

Salt Baths. 

I love a bath and this simple salt bath is a great way to reap the benefits of salt water without the ocean. Try adding 1lb of Epsom salt, 2 oz of Dead Sea salt, coconut or almond oil, and your favorite essential oils to a hot bath. 

Seaweed Skincare. 

Using products that have the healing properties of seaweed in them can actually bring the ocean into your home. I love the brand Osea because of their love of the ocean and belief in the power of seaweed and its endless benefits. 


Research has shown that the sound of ocean waves alters our brains, putting us in a relaxed state. These sounds can affect our fight-or-flight nervous system and help boost creativity and concentration. It can be as easy as searching Ocean Waves on any music streaming app.

Floatation Therapy. 

A lot of spas are offering floatation therapy and while I haven't used one, I’ve heard they can be hugely restorative.

I’m such a believer in the power of the ocean to heal. I hope you have the opportunity to experience it for yourself as often as possible and if not try one of these ideas for when the ocean is too far out of reach.

jodi xx

  1. By the Sea: The therapeutic benefits of being in, on, and by the water, Dr. Deborah Cracknell.