Polishing Up

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March Favorites

This week I’m sharing my March Favorites. I feel like these "favorites" posts are everywhere so sometimes I feel it’s overdone, but you know what? No one is me and that is my power.

That’s what I tell myself and then I get started writing. We all have something special to offer this world, and even writing this seemingly easy post about my favorite things gives me a chance to realize this.

I hope you have a beautiful week.


book - The Power of Now

I remember when I first heard of this book. It was one of my first months at ELLE and I was browsing the “book table”, which is where books are piled up for editors to read and consider for features in the magazine.

I saw the Oprah seal of approval and had heard little rumblings of a new book about positive thinking that I had to read. I picked it up and read it right away. I have to admit, it went over my head a little (maybe a lot) that first time.

Recently I felt an urge to pick it up again and this time around I'm ready to fully understand its message. I totally suggest that you read it if you're wondering about the purpose of your life.



Beauty - Mario Badescu RoseWater Spray

I've been a user of Mario Badescu since I was introduced to the brand as a beauty editor in NYC. I used to love whenever their products came into the office. Now that I have to pay for beauty products (haha), I love how affordable this brand is while still being so effective.

Every morning as soon as I wake up, I head to the bathroom, splash cold water on my face and give it a good few sprays. I feel more awake and ready to start my meditation. The smell is awesome as well, and I have come to crave this part of my morning routine. 



Podcast - The Life Coach Podcast with Brooke Castillo

I’m a huge podcast listener. I'm in my car a lot, driving all around South Florida to different styling jobs and clients. I love self-help, so podcasts about self-help are huge for me. I recently discovered The Life Coach Podcast with Brooke Castillo (through Jess Lively) and can’t believe I just now found her.

I started listening to the podcast from the very beginning (a sign it's really good). She really gives you a foundation for coaching yourself, which I love, because not everyone can afford a coach. This content, which she gives away for free, is full of value and real techniques that you can use.  It’s a combination of whoo whoo and totally grounded wisdom, my favorite mix.



style tip - Steamer Combo

I recommend this little steamer combo to all my clients. You get a regular sized one for at-home and a mini travel sized one that fits in your luggage effortlessly.

I use the regular streamer for everything, I bring it to all my fashion gigs, this baby can handle it all. It’s so easy to use, carry and actually works to get clothes wrinkle free. It won’t get you a super crisp line or pleat, but that’s about the only thing it can’t do. And you can get both for $30!



Video - Byron Katie “The Work” 

One of my favorite teachers is Byron Katie. If you haven’t heard about her or her ridiculously freeing coaching technique called “The Work”, you have to check it out. She has a worksheet that you can download for free on her website along with tons of videos that walk you through how to do it. It’s a real game changer, but you have to be willing.

Just this past week I had a meltdown about a limiting belief. I've been working on this particular one for years, but it's still there. It's the feeling that I am not good enough.

Before I went into a downward spiral (I was down there, believe me, but didn’t want to stay) I went to her website and started doing "The Work" and watching videos. Check her out, she is doing some amazing things on this planet.


Always Polishing Up,




Full Moon April 11th at 2:08AM EST

It's time for letting go and forgiving, yes, that’s what I said, forgive. Check out this great article here for a little guidance.

New Moon April 26th at 10:59pM EST

This is the best time for setting new intentions. I love a ritual and step-by-step process, so here is a great one  check this out.